Just Starting Out? See this.

There are a lot of considerations when beginning your new venture, as accountants it’s important we make the finance considerations as seamless as possible.  We’ve put together a few notes to help you get going, knowing that things like accounting and tax are taken care of.

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Is a Forecast, a Target?

It’s the coming up to the start of the financial year, and we know what that means.  Strategic Planning! Bonus Planning!  Goals and Objectives!  From a financial point of view in planning we can mix up the terms Forecast, Budget and Targets.  Each has an important role to play in business organisations.

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Monitoring Your Business

Business owners are usually pretty good at monitoring the performance of their staff (and rectifying it with a short, sharp kick…).  On the other hand, and more often than not, they’re not quite as good at monitoring their own performance.

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Why an Accountant?

Your accountant should be an integral part of your business team – someone you trust and feel comfortable discussing all your financial affairs with.  If your accountant is only helping you with your end of year accounts then they might not be helping you enough.

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